Rice-Paddy Conversion Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Rice-Paddy Conversion Survey

Rice-Paddy Conversion Survey

February 22, 2018 | BPS Activities

The availability of quality statistical data of food as a reference in planning, monitoring, and evaluation becomes very decisive because it will have an impact on the effectiveness of decision-making done.

Rice production statistics, one of the most strategic and important food statistics, are generated from the multiplication of harvested area data with productivity data as well as the conversion rate of Unhusked Rice Harvest (GKP) to Dry Mill (GKG).

In addition to rice production data, the data required by the government in the formulation of food policy is the production in the form of rice. Calculation of rice production is done by using the conversion rate of GKG to rice.

Related to that, BPS or Statistics-Indonesia will conduct a Rice-Paddy Conversion Survey which will be conducted in 34 Provinces and will be conducted in 2 stages, March-April represents the rainy season and in May-August 2018 represents the dry season. It is hoped that this survey activity will enable the provision of qualified Food Statistics Data.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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