The 2018 Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS2018) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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The 2018 Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS2018)

The 2018 Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS2018)

April 19, 2018 | BPS Activities

The agricultural sector is the main sector that plays an important role in the national economy in absorbing labor, sources of economic growth, and foreign exchange contributors. In addition, the agricultural sector also drives other sectors in the national economy. Based on these conditions, the attention to the availability of complete, accurate and up-to-date agricultural sector data is needed as a reference for government and stakeholders in planning and policy formulation.

Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in its duty and authority to provide data related to the agricultural sector through the implementation of various surveys and census periodically. The provision of census-based farming data is done every ten years, whereas agriculture change is very fast in keeping with technological developments, seasonal changes, and prices. The last agricultural census was carried out in 2013 (ST2013), therefore it is deemed necessary to conduct an agricultural survey between two censuses, hereinafter referred to as the Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS).

The 2018 Intercensal Agriculture Survey (SUTAS2018) is an Agricultural Survey conducted to bridge the 2013 Agricultural Census and the 2023 Agricultural Census. SUTAS2018 is the first Census Farm Survey conducted by BPS. SUTAS2018 data collection activities will be conducted in May-June 2018. The results of SUTAS2018 are useful to obtain the phenomenon of agricultural business changes in 2013 and 2018, projection of livestock population, and other agricultural survey planning prior to the implementation of ST2023.
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