Workshop of the Secretariat and Public Relations Population Census 2020 in West Kalimantan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Workshop of the Secretariat and Public Relations Population Census 2020 in West Kalimantan

 Workshop of the Secretariat and Public Relations Population Census 2020 in West Kalimantan

December 9, 2019 | Other Activities

On December 9th-10th 2019, BPS of all Cities/Regencies of West Kalimantan delegated their representatives to attend orkshop Sekretariat dan Humas Sensus Penduduk 2020. The purpose of this workshop was to increase the understanding and competence of the secretariat and public relations team in carrying out their respective roles. Hopefully in the future, this workshop can increase BPS's internal collaboration in the success of BPS activities, especially the 2020 Population Census.

Don't forget on February 15th - March 30th ! Make sure you take the Online Population Census! Come on #MencatatBengkayang #MencatatIndonesia!
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