Inflation in Kota Pontianak December 2013 at 1.23 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Inflation in Kota Pontianak December 2013 at 1.23 percent

Release Date : January 2, 2014
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Inflation that occurred in December 2013 due to the increase in the index in five (5) types of expenses and a decrease in the index of 2 (two) groups of expenditure. Expenditure group index declines ie Foodstuffs of -0.69 percent and the group Food, Beverages, Cigarettes and Tobacco by 0.25 percent. While expenditure groups experienced an increase in the index is a group of Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Fuel of 1.37 percent, 0.33 percent Clothing, Health group by 1.07 percent, the group Education, Recreation and Sports at 0, 04 percent and Transport, Communications and Financial Services of 7.00 percent.
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