Inflation in Kota Pontianak April 2014 at 0.08 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Inflation in Kota Pontianak April 2014 at 0.08 percent

Release Date : May 2, 2014
File Size : 0.45 MB


Inflation occurs because of the increase in the price indicated by the increase in the index in 6 groups of expenditure and a decrease in the index of the expenditure groups, namely: foodstuffs -1.43 percent; food, beverages, cigarettes, and tobacco 0.93 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas, and fuel 0.18 percent; clothing group 0.21 percent; health group at 0.04 percent; education, recreation, and sport 0.72 percent; and in the transport, communications, and financial services 0.81 percent.
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