Export and Import in Kalimantan Barat August 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Export and Import in Kalimantan Barat August 2014

Release Date : October 1, 2014
File Size : 0.6 MB


The export value of Kalimantan Barat in August 2014 to reach US $ 48.82 million increased by 19.89 percent compared to July 2014 from US $ 40.72 million increase to US $ 48.82 million.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Bengkayang (Statistics Bengkayang Regency)Jl. Guna Baru Trans Rangkang Kel. Sebalo Kec. Bengkayang Kab. Bengkayang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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