Agricultural Statistics for Horticultural Crops of Bengkayang Regency 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Agricultural Statistics for Horticultural Crops of Bengkayang Regency 2022

Catalog Number : 5204003.6102
Publication Number : 61020.2329
ISSN/ISBN : 2541-4844
Publishing Frequency : Every 2 Years
Release Date : January 3, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.46 MB


The 2022 publication of Bengkayang Regency Horticultural Crop Agricultural Statistics is one of the publications published by the Bengkayang Regency Central Statistics Agency based on the Horticultural Crop Agricultural Survey. The data presented in this publication is the result of the collection of horticultural agricultural statistical data carried out by the Bengkayang Regency Food and Agriculture Security Service. This data includes information about vegetable plants, fruit, medicinal plants and ornamental plants.We would like to thank all parties who have actively participated, starting from data collection, tabulation, analysis, to the preparation of this publication. It is hoped that this publication can meet data needs, especially in the horticultural agricultural sector and can provide an overview of the agricultural sector in Bengkayang Regency for data users. Furthermore, constructive criticism and suggestions from all parties are highly expected to improve the preparation of this publication so that it becomes better in the future.
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