SNA 2008 Training in preparation of PMTB Matrix - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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SNA 2008 Training in preparation of PMTB Matrix

SNA 2008 Training in preparation of PMTB Matrix

February 26, 2018 | BPS Activities

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) / Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is an economic indicator that shows the amount of production value in an area in a certain period. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) as one component of GDP / GRDP compilation from the expenditure side shows the amount of physical investment in a region in a certain period. More detailed data in the form of PMTB matrices is expected to support more focused policies as well as more in-depth analysis.

Implementation of SNA 2008 in the preparation of the PMTB matrix requires human resources who have an understanding of the SNA concept. On 25 February  until 2 March 2018 SNA training was conducted in order to compile the matrix of PMTB which was also attended by representatives from the Regional Balance Sheet. With this activity is expected to increase the capacity of BPS human resources in the preparation of GDP/GRDP in understanding and implementing SNA 2008 and applying it in the preparation of PMTB matrix
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