Training on Internal Control of Financial Reporting (PIPK) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Training on Internal Control of Financial Reporting (PIPK)

Training on Internal Control of Financial Reporting (PIPK)

March 12, 2018 | Other Activities

PIPK is a control that is specifically designed to provide reasonable assurance that the resulting financial statements are reliable reports and prepared in accordance with Government Accounting Standards. PIPK is prepared by management and assessed by the appraisal team appointed, and reviewed by the BPS Main Inspectorate.

In order to equip the capability of assessment team which is part of management from UAKPA level up to UAPA to produce reliable financial report, accountable and prepared according to Government Accounting Standards and supported with adequate internal control system then Main Inspectorate organizes internal control training reporting activities finance for 4 days starting from March 12 to March 15, 2018 at ibis Bandung hotel. With this activity, it is expected that there will be improvement of financial report quality from each BPS work unit.
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