Training of Local Instructors of SPIN and Sakernas 2018 Processing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Training of Local Instructors of SPIN and Sakernas 2018 Processing

Training of Local Instructors of SPIN and Sakernas 2018 Processing

February 14, 2018 | BPS Activities

Data processing is the activity of recording data from docs into the computer through an interactive and integrated processing applications. The main sequence of processing activities is receipt of documents, batching, validation of pre-computer documents (editing), data recording, data tabulation, approval data, data reporting through web monitoring and raw data delivery.
On February 13 - 16, 2018, training activities of Instructor of Informal Workers' Survey Processing and National Employment Survey 2018 were attended by respective representatives of District / Municipality BPS in West Kalimantan.
This activity will be a venue for debriefing to regency / city BPS to be able to produce qualified employment data.
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