Training of National Socio-Economic Survey Data Processing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bengkayang Regency

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Training of National Socio-Economic Survey Data Processing

Training of National Socio-Economic Survey Data Processing

March 14, 2018 | BPS Activities

National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is
the main back of the fulfillment of government needs in
implement national development in line with
National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019
and international development goals (Development Goals
Sustainable (TPB) / SDGs). Field enumeration activities will be done on March 20, 2018 and will proceed to the next stage of pre-computer stages: receving, batching, editing, and data entry.

On March 14-16 held a training activity of data processing Susenas March at Hotel grand Mahkota Pontianak followed by representatives from each regency / municipality BPS in West Kalimantan Province. In this activity will be taught various materials related to Susenas document processing from pre-computer stage, entry stage, and post computer.
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